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Amazon Gives $2.25 Million To Tennessee Housing Fund And More Business News

Amazon donates to housing fund

One of Tennessee's fastest-growing employers is donating $2.25 million to help financially struggling homeowners in facing housing insecurity challenges this year from tornado recovery, job losses, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Amazon, the online shipping giant that has invested nearly $7 billion in Tennessee and created more than 12,000 direct and indirect jobs across Tennessee, announced Monday it is helping launch the Housing Resiliency Fund that will make financial grants available to help ensure that low- and moderate-income families can keep their homes and maintain critical, long-term financial stability.

The grant comes as Amazon has hired more than 1,000 employees in Nashville toward its goal of bringing more than 5,000 corporate and technology jobs to Tennessee's capital city to support Amazon's operations business. Amazon built its first fulfillment centers in Tennessee in Chattanooga and Charleston, Tennessee in 2010.

"Amazon's donation will help us keep more families in their homes, which is always our ultimate goal, because home ownership is the key to long-term wealth building," said Marshall Crawford, CEO of The Housing Fund in Nashville.