Genesis LA is prototyping innovative equity-sharing models that lower the cost of for-sale housing in one L.A. community.
By Amanda Abrams
Genesis LA is prototyping innovative equity-sharing models that lower the cost of for-sale housing in one L.A. community.
By Amanda Abrams
No SSN? No problem, says an increasing number of CDFIs and other mission-driven lenders.
By Bianca Gonzalez
Citizenship status, language barriers and a lack of documentation are just some of the many factors that... Read more
Q&A: From funding adaptive reuse to giving communities a seat at the planning table, BlueHub’s Karen Kelleher on the tools and techniques that are moving the needle.
By Christopher Williams
Karen Kelleher prides herself on... Read more
Hope Credit Union is part of a growing movement of CDFIs providing alternatives to predatory small-dollar loans.
By Connie Aitcheson
Payday loans were a hassle for Tanya Sims. The mid-50s Memphis resident’s only... Read more
“It's eye-opening to understand our country's history of racism and why particular borrowers are where they are from a loan application standpoint.”
By Bianca Gonzalez
Traditional lending systems... Read more
The Empowering Ravalli Women initiative is helping single mothers and other women in poverty find their financial footing.
By Connie Aitcheson
Ravalli County in Southwest Montana has fairly average poverty rates.... Read more
New York’s canners and lateros have acquired property, created a redemption facility and community hub – and begun to organize.
By Oscar Perry Abello
Q&A: Michael Pugh on small business finance, AI, affordable housing and more.
By Christopher C. Williams
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act funds will soon be flowing into communities. These CDFI leaders want to make sure their communities don’t miss out.
By Erica Sweeney
The Southern+ Climate Equity Accelerator brings together about 20 green banks, CDFIs and other green community lenders across the south.
By Erica Sweeney
The South is home to many climate-vulnerable and energy-... Read more