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Community Development Bankers Association COVID-19 Resource Page

The coronavirus pandemic has caused enormous disruption in a very short period of time. In response, Community Development Bankers Association (CDBA) has assigned a section of their website to host vital, current information to help us manage our institutions and serve our communities. This page will be a dynamic resource for understanding how the federal response to COVID-19 is changing our day-to-day work and overall business strategy.

Click here for real-time updates on regulatory changes, new programs, and other national policy developments and opportunities that may affect you.

Some of the information currently featured on the page includes:

  • Small Business Administration (SBA) lending and the CARES Act, including: the Paycheck Protection Program, Small Business Debt Relief Program, and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) & Grants
  • Interagency guidance on troubled debt restructurings and Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL)
  • CRA consideration for COVID-19 related activities