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Federal Eviction Moratorium Explained

How You Can Get Help

When the pandemic began in March 2020, the economic fallout from lockdowns was immediate. Hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their jobs and fell behind on bills, mortgages and rent. Congress acted by passing the CARES Act to ease some of the financial burdens, including issuing a nationwide eviction moratorium and providing rental assistance.

The ban on evictions ended this summer — on July 31, leaving thousands vulnerable to losing their homes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tried to extend the ban but the Supreme Court issued a decision citing the extension must come from Congress. Lawmakers were not able to pass another bill.


The CARES Act did provide nearly $50 billion in rental assistance for those who had been impacted by unemployment or under-employment caused by COVID-19. However, the funds have been slow to reach those in need.

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