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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

After mistakenly telling unknown numbers of small business owners that they are criminals and rejecting their applications for a Paycheck... Read more

The smallest businesses that have had the most trouble accessing forgivable loans from the Paycheck Protection Program will soon get... Read more

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has for years neglected to enforce its own environmental regulations, resulting in lead poisoning of children in at least one public housing development and potentially jeopardizing... Read more

The typical school day has changed dramatically since March 2020. COVID-19 necessitated remote learning across the country, which created strains on teachers, students, and families. But some students have lost essential ... Read more

WASHINGTON—President Biden on Monday announced changes to the federal government’s signature ... Read more

The Department of Housing and Urban Development will begin investigating complaints of housing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity under the Fair Housing Act, in a pointed reversal of Trump administration policy.

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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on Tuesday extended COVID-19 foreclosure and forbearance moratoriums for FHA and USDA loans to June 30, 2021. It also extended the deadline... Read more

As the Federal Reserve contemplates updates to its Community Reinvestment Act regulations, the American Bankers Association emphasized the importance of working... Read more

Where people live can significantly affect their health, well-being, and upward mobility. Cities have invested in transit-oriented development (TOD) to spur growth, revitalize neighborhoods, and promote healthy communities. Although the goal of... Read more

The Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) wrote a letter to the Federal Reserve (Fed) addressing updates to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations. The letter was in response to a Fed advance notice of proposed rulemaking (... Read more
