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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

In Atlanta, a tuition-free school is finally getting a permanent home — and piloting a new model for funding schools from the ground up. 

By James Finley 

A new partnership could increase the use of AI at CDFI credit unions across the country. 

By Bianca Gonzalez

By bundling and selling CDFI microloans to banks, Scale Link hopes to increase capacity for CDFIs across the country. 

By Erica Sweeney 

Launching a small business takes capital, and many entrepreneurs who find... Read more

More than half a century ago, highway expansions tore a thriving, historically Black neighborhood in Asheville apart. Now, DeWayne Barton is working to return the community to its former glory. 

By Brittany Moseley

The NFL just became the latest league to acquire financing from CDFIs — this time to the tune of $78 million.

By Connie Aitcheson

When the NFL needed to borrow $78 million recently, they opted to work with 16... Read more

Q&A: Here’s what’s top of mind for two award-winning credit union leaders.

By Christopher C. Williams

Sue Cuevas helped found the first and only Hispanic CDFI credit union in Ohio 13 years ago behind the... Read more

One of the fund’s goals is to double the number of CDFIs in Virginia. 

By Erica Sweeney

Virginia is betting big on CDFIs to help support small businesses and disenfranchised communities. In March, Virginia Governor... Read more

Q&A: How CDFIs can help entrepreneurs deemed “too risky” by traditional lenders. 

By Sabina Wex

Amber Bond has worked in the commercial lending space for 14 years, working with community banks, CDFIs and other... Read more

Greenline Access Capital is closing both funding and networking gaps for small businesses across the city. 

By Bianca Gonzalez

When Juan Placencia opened a ghost kitchen in Philadelphia at the end of 2020, the... Read more

With the Dream Builders loan product, those with past debt or poor credit aren’t precluded from starting a business or owning a home. 

By  Bianca Gonzalez
