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DC Commercial Waste Compactor Grants Program

The DC Commercial Waste Compactor Grants Program provides eligible District businesses with grants up to $13,500 for the purchase or lease of a commercial waste compactor to collect and compost bulk trash, waste and recyclables. Individual and multiple business applications will be accepted on a rolling basis now through 2:00 p.m. on Friday, September 8, 2017.

Why get a compactor?

  • Reduces rodent & insect issues and improves sanitation
  • Promotes clean and safe neighborhoods
  • May lower costs for hauling waste
  • Reduces greenhouse emissions


  • Licensed, DC-based for-profit business in good standing with DCRA and OTR
  • Must have the appropriate space, access, and consent to install a compactor
  • Businesses that purchased a compactor between October 1, 2016 – June 1, 2017 are eligible for a partial grant

How to Apply

Step 1: Review Frequently Asked Questions and Installation Plan
Step 2: Gather all items on the Pre-application Checklist before beginning the application
Step 3: Click the link Apply Now
Step 4: Setup a new account on ZoomGrants™
Step 5: Answer all questions, upload required documents, and submit application before September 8 at 2 p.m.