On October 4th, the Community Development Bankers Association (CDBA), National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions, and CapNexus held a webinar entitled "Resources for Growth and CDFI Impact: Understanding BEA Deposits." Aimed at community development credit unions, the webinar explained how the CDFI Fund's Bank Enterprise Award (BEA) Program can benefit CDFI credit unions.
Panelists included:
- Mia Sowell - Associate Program Manager of the BEA Program, US Department of Treasury’s CDFI Fund
- Cathi Kim - Community Development Investments Director, National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions
- Rachel Sier - Membership Director, CDBA
Credit Unions interested in receiving deposits from CDFI banks, which satisfies some BEA Program requirements, can create postings on CapNexus. Since 2016, over $10,000,000 in deposits have been placed through the CapNexus BEA deposit matching campaign.
To learn more, watch the webinar recording here. >>