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Walking the Walk on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Building more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces is a growing priority in corporate boardrooms, but actual progress has not kept pace with increased awareness. Even highly motivated companies with the best intentions often struggle on how to walk the walk.

In an effort to move the needle, NJBIA has partnered with the African American Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey on a strategy to help committed companies put plans into action. Our mission is to drive diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in workforce development and employment advancement, corporate boards, procurement in various industries, and community impact. We plan to do this through a voluntary CEO Pledge, best practice sharing, and training.

Michele Siekerka, president and CEO, New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA)

The CEO Pledge is more than just talking the talk. It will produce results by creating an independent accountability system in which companies confidentially agree to share their progress on concrete metrics, which will be collectively tracked. By monitoring progress, and sharing programs and best practices, companies can also inspire other businesses to make their workforces and leadership more reflective of their customers and communities. 

CEOs know that a DEI workforce is not just about doing what is right, it is also about setting up their companies for success. Research shows that diverse companies attract the most qualified employees, foster greater innovation and outperform competitors.

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