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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

A $240,000 grant program gave 20 childcare providers a much-needed helping hand.

By Hadassah Patterson

“I am convinced that capital is not fundamentally extractive and can increase equity.”

By Hadassah Patterson

In 2006, CDFI Virginia Community Capital (VCC) was founded with $15 million in seed money from the state of Virginia to... Read more

CDFI-funded nonprofit has installed large-scale mosaic murals across the city. 

By Erica Sweeney 

Every summer for the past five years, Jacquelyn Yepa, 21, has helped create public art mosaics across the city of... Read more

Helping at-risk youth in L.A. find success and employment  

By Frances McMorris

New Earth’s mission of guiding at-risk young people in Los Angeles from the streets, from incarceration and from being drop-outs into bright new futures... Read more

CDFI takes an upstream approach to boosting affordable housing and entreprenuership on Washington state’s Colville Reservation. 

By Erica Sweeney 

Ted Piccolo wants to build at least one house every year on the... Read more

Thirteen years after a pineapple plantation shutdown left hundreds of workers at risk, the 150-acre Kunia Village has become a multi-generational refuge.

By Erica Sweeney 

Loan fund targets organizations that are often overlooked by more traditional lenders.

By Frances McMorris

While the COVID-19 pandemic meant less business for most people, for the staff at SOAR (Seeing Our Adolescents Rise),... Read more

The 10-year-old youth empowerment organization practices radical accessibility — starting with its Lewiston facility. 

By Hadassah Patterson

Julia Sleeper-Whiting celebrated an anniversary recently. This past summer marked 10 years... Read more

A collective of eight CDFIs is bringing racial equity to the forefront of education lending.

By Christopher Williams

From the fiery debate about critical race theory to stormy school board meetings and the uncertainty of schooling... Read more

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today announced the launch of the Homeownership Works (HOW) pilot program, a $10 million economic recovery initiative that will rehabilitate homes to create new homeownership opportunities while revitalizing... Read more
