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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

Steve Saltzman on why CDFIs should keep a focus on food systems

By Kate Stringer

When funders invest in locally-sourced food, they’re also investing in public health, the environment and economically disadvantaged communities. That’... Read more

Tracie Shelton is bringing business mentorship and healthier eats to her Alamo City neighborhood.

Tracie Shelton is the founding force behind Alamo Kitchens, a culinary co-working space in San Antonio, Texas. Shelton was already motivated... Read more

In small-town Montana, Big Sky Cafe attracts a loyal following. 

In April 2020, as many small businesses scrambled to figure out how to keep the lights on during the sudden onset of COVID-19, Suzanne Racine was instead laying the... Read more

Small businesses find success, community at SeaTac International Mall.

A conversation with the founder of Denver-Based Impact Finance Center

By Christopher Williams

Even at the age of 16, Stephanie Gripne regarded money as more than just a means to buy things, but also as an instrument for social good... Read more

The D'Eri family  Photo credit: Sonju Photography

“Disability is still very much on the fringe of the whole impact world.”

By Erica Sweeney 

About 80% of the 85 employees at Rising Tide Car Wash in southern Florida have autism. The... Read more

37% of this year’s New Market Tax Credit recipients were CDFIs 

By Frances McMorris

CDFI helps New Hampshire mobile park communities become resident-owned co-ops.

By Kate Stringer

When it was time for the final vote, Victoria Staunches made a pitch to her neighbors: They needed to vote yes to buy their neighborhood... Read more

Washington, D.C., underwent one of the most dramatic urban revivals of any U.S. city during the past two decades. Newcomers poured in, businesses expanded and developers transformed the area with high-end condos, entertainment and shopping.

... Read more

How You Can Get Help

When the pandemic began in March 2020, the economic fallout from lockdowns was immediate. Hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their jobs and fell behind on bills, mortgages and rent. Congress acted by... Read more
