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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

TD Bank has established a $105 million equity fund in support of minority-owned small businesses.

Financial payments company Square has allocated the final $25 million of its $100 million investment in minority and underserved communities. 

Of the remaining $25 million, $5 million was distributed to create The Bitcoin Endowment, a new... Read more

The Biden Administration released a summary, fact sheet and Treasury’s Greenbook of tax proposals on President Joe Biden’s proposed $6 trillion budget for fiscal year (FY) 2022. The FY 2022 budget request incorporates not only annual... Read more

The COVID-19 crisis has put thousands of small businesses, from high-growth startups to Main Street employers, out of business. Importantly, the economic impacts of COVID-19 have not been equal. Minority-owned businesses and very small businesses... Read more

A growing number of banks and fintechs are using digital banking platforms to meet the unique challenges and needs of individual communities.

Unconstrained by geography, these financial institutions can extend their reach and solve... Read more

PayPal Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL) today announced it will deposit $135  million of its capital into mission-driven financial institutions and management funds that help underserved communities of color to fight barriers to economic equity, ... Read more

Nearly a year after the Trump administration replaced an Obama-era fair housing rule that critics decried as “burdensome” and that President Donald Trump alleged would “abolish” suburbs, President Biden’s housing department is restoring the... Read more

While activists maintain that San Jose’s housing policies are inherently segregated, a study undertaken by the city shows just how deep racial disparities go.

“The main takeaway is the legacy of past segregation is still very much alive,”... Read more

Some believe new rail transit lines in low-income communities could benefit residents by connecting them to jobs and services. But others worry new transit investments may increase property values, leading to gentrification and displacement of... Read more

Karen Kollias is a trailblazer where she's worked for more than 50 years to create a cohesive and thorough connection between financial institutions, community developers, and local communities around the country. Karen Kollias, the outgoing... Read more
