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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

As climate change becomes a more urgent issue every year, more and more consumers are considering how their purchasing power can influence big corporations to take steps to be more green, whether that’s reducing their carbon footprint or offering... Read more

Many impact investing experts agree that the sector can’t become a mainstream powerhouse until it produces standardized, vetted methods for impact data availability, metrics and measurement. Not that sexy, but crucial infrastructure for expansion... Read more

With severe wildfires scorching Montana and California and a new climate ... Read more

With a mission to support racially diverse small businesses, Truist Foundation worked with Black Business Investment Fund on a grant program to support Black-owned businesses impacted by the pandemic.

Days after a national eviction moratorium expired, the Biden administration on Tuesday issued a new, more... Read more

No one can reasonably deny that when the overall economy gets cold, low- and moderate-income individuals and neighborhoods get the flu, largely through no imprudence of their own. History proves that lower-income families, particularly those... Read more

Insights from one CDFI’s portfolio

By Frances A. McMorris

Reduced revenues, decreased hours for employees, furloughs and even shuttered doors were just some of the challenges facing small business owners across the country as the... Read more

“Progress is not all smooth.”

By Hadassah Patterson 

A high-tech funding boost for Latinx businesses

By Christopher Williams

Partners for the Common Good (PCG) is pleased to announce the launch of “CDFI Futures” a news partnership between PCG and Next City. Through this partnership PCG will highlight the unique work being done by CDFIs and leaders in the community... Read more
