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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

The “grand bargain” that Seattle politicians and developers struck for larger buildings and affordable housing is starting to yield some results.

Under the new Mandatory Housing Affordability program formulated in 2015, the city agreed to... Read more


Taking the Indiana city’s successful model nationwide

By Frances A. McMorris

When Bloomington, Indiana, was looking to fund a recent affordable housing project, they looked outside their city — and even their state... Read more

"There's a Goldilocks factor": Older offices can be too big or too small.

By Cyrus Farivar

Escalating costs of living—including housing costs—in cities like San Francisco, New York City, and Washington, DC, may prevent teachers, who have midlevel incomes, from moving to or staying in the area. This can be especially true for teachers... Read more

BIPOC-owned studio finds success during the pandemic with CDFI funding help.

By Houreidja Tall

A typical day at Nzilani Glass Conservation could involve anything from photographing windows to restoring glass. As the only... Read more

Starting with Affordable Housing

By Frances A. McMorris

As the quest for racial equity gains momentum worldwide, the need for a means to ensure that funding goes to organizations with those ambitious goals has become more... Read more

The goal: 1 million higher-paying jobs for Black Americans

By Frances A. McMorris

In late 2020, five corporate leaders founded nonprofit startup OneTen with a bold goal: creating 1 million higher-paying jobs or Black... Read more

Community funding helps grow door-to-door business to wholesale success.

By Hadassah Patterson 

“Hay que perseguir la chuleta.” 

This is a common saying in Mexico. One has to “pursue the chop”—or make a living. In... Read more

 A first-time homebuyer loan allows a buyer with a low or mid-range income and limited savings to finance a home purchase. Typically, these types of loans... Read more

Providing pronouns in email signatures show how the email senders identify themselves and how they would like to be referred to in the third person. It normalizes conversation around gender and identity. Reference the examples below:

 ... Read more
