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News Related to Covid-19 and our Industry

Kiva brings together CDFIs, crowdfunding and more to help small businesses get the financing they need. 

By Erica Sweeney 

The Black Vision Fund is the brainchild of seven leaders of Black-owned CDFIs.  

By Christopher C. Williams

Here’s how a CDFI is helping make his vision a reality for the Indiana city. 

Bianca Gonzalez

Why one big bank is betting on primary healthcare — and why they’re turning to CDFIs to help.

Christopher C. Williams

CDFI funding played a crucial role in preserving the Wakan Tipi area for future generations.

By Connie Aitcheson

For the Dakota people of Minnesota, the Wakan Tipi area is sacred. Located within the Bruce Vento... Read more

As one Atlanta-based business owner put it, women- and Black-owned businesses are often “over-mentored and underfunded.” Here’s how one local CDFI is changing that dynamic. 

By Erica Sweeney 

The pandemic forced businesses to adapt quickly — often, through shifting shopping, payment and more to digital systems. However, not all small businesses had the resources they needed to make that transition. Here’s how one newly minted... Read more

With CDFI-funding help, TestIT uses crowd-sourced, real-time information to track broadband connectivity across the country. 

By Sabina Wex

Q&A: How $50 million in the state budget will bolster CDFIs and their communities.  

By Erica Sweeney 

Often, fees ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars become a barrier that keep immigrants from achieving naturalization. By offering small, low-interest loans, CDFIs can help bridge that funding gap.

By... Read more
